Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging, which began with that spontaneous photocopied letter, was in its 11th year of publication in 2001 and had an 80-page quarterly with a full-color cover, as well as a national and international circulation of approximately 15,000.
For the last five or six years of its publication, Crone Chronicles received press attention from at least a dozen big city dailies, including the Chicago Times, the London Sunday Times, the Seattle Times, and the San Diego Union. In 1998, The Toronto Globe & Mail said that Crone Chronicles "is doing for crones what Ms Magazine did for an earlier generation of feminists."
In 1998 Crone Chronicles was nominated for an Utne Reader annual award in the category of "Personal Life Stories." In February 1999, Crone, Croning Ceremonies, and Crone Chronicles were featured on a four-minute segment of Good Morning America.
Crone magazine, launched at Winter Solstice 2008, is the successor to Crone Chronicles: a Journal of Conscious Aging, and subscriptions are available here at the BBI Media webstore.
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Collect all the remaining thiry (30) Crone Chronicle paper editions. (See individual pages for issue descriptions.) Add this item to your shopping cart and enter " CroneComplete " in the discount coupon box (during setp 2 of 3 at checkout)...
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The Opening This, the final issue of Ann Kreilkamp’s Crone Chronicles, is dedicated to celebrating the magazine itself. Ann had announced the death of CC in the previous issue, and the response from the readers was profound. This issue,...
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The Gift Gifts come in many forms, and this issue of Crone Chronicles is no exception. “I want to See the invisible” reveals the the story of artist and psychic Lisa Elizabeth Berg who is a 4th-generation “UFO contactee” while...
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Crone Chronicles - Polarity & Paradox In this issue, Crone Chronicles addresses the ways in which we tend to divide up into opposing sides and battle; instead, editor Ann Kreilkamp advises taking the wider view, a more "cosmic"...
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Crone Chronicles #43 Life On Earth Looking to root in, sink down, find the grounding energy that centers your being? Then this issue of Ann Kreilkamp's original Crone Chronicles is just right for you! We begin "In Beauty May I...
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Crone Chronicles #42 - Resurrection Although it's not apparent from its title, this issue is largely centered on bodies: body image, gender relations, discoveries of the female divine and encounters with that most concrete of bodily...
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Surrender Winter Solstice is a time for deep, inward contemplation and reflection, and this is the spirit behind this issue of Crone Chronicles. Editor Ann Kreilkamp begins with an examination of the idea of radical transformation through...
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Crone Chronicles #40 - Earth Touches Heaven "Horizons have always enchanted me," writes Delcie D. Light in this issue, which is dedicated to the luminous place when terra firma meets the infinite. The horizon can be a literal...
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Crone Chronicles #39 Mystery & Mastery "As a Crone, I have earned the right not to sweat the small stuff and to recognize the insignificant when I see or hear it. As a Crone, I have earned the right to forage through the ages for...
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Crone Chronicles - Primal Motion "Wake up! It's time for another shift." Thus begins Ann Kreilkamp's editorial for this issue of her original Crone Chronicles #38. In this issue, Ann collected stories of change, motion, and...
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