A Pagan Family Newsletter
A 32-page newsletter for Pagan families with children (emphasis on age 0-16, including articles on Pagan pregnancy and birth issues) The Blessed Bee was published for eight years from 1999-2007.
Designed to be read by parents (with their school-age children) each issue includes craft ideas, lots of kid-friendly rituals, God and Goddess stories, fables, discussion topics and a coloring page. The articles are seasonally-organized for holidays and special occasions. (See full details below for individual issues)
The Blessed Bee is available in full-year (4 issue) sets or a specially priced complete set. The Bee is the perfect family-friendly gift for your children, grandchildren and all beginning Pagans.
Digital editions will be posted here as they become available.
The Blessed BeeThe Blessed Bee #01 - Summer |