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Witches&Pagans #40 - Paranormal Paganism Focus on Psychic Gifts, Ancestors, and Ghosts Are Witches Psychic? An Ancestral Witch on Folk Magic,Witchcraft, and Walking in the Old Ways. Join Phaedra Bonewits in a conversation with witch,...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #39 - Between the Worlds Focus on Fairy, Cunningfolk, and Celtic Lands Walking on the Road of Sarn Helen: A Magical Journey with Elen of the Ways. Join Elyn Aviva as she follows a vision to...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #38 - Magic of the People: Folk Magic & Conjure Folk magic is simply the magic of the people: down-to-earth, pragmatic practices that address everyday human needs. In this issue of...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #37 -- Plant Allies: the Hidden Magic of the Green World Despite being in an intense relationship with these conscious green beings that grow around us, most of us are complete strangers...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #36 - Gods, Goddesses & the Glorious Divine Who do we worship? How do we find Them — or, how are we found by Them? Whatever our path, the divine is part of our lives and practices....
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #35 - Natural Paganism This special issue features the stories of Pagans who find their spiritual center in Nature. "I never ask myself — as I sit at my altar to pray and offer...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #34 - Creating Ritual Our new summer issue of Witches&Pagans is in production and will be mailing in June. Whatever your path, whether you are a devotional Polytheist, a Wiccan...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #33 - Tarot & Divination There are at least three reasons to use the divinatory arts: to explore, to communicate, and to get advice. In this special issue, we explore the mysteries of...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #32 - Polytheism: Many Gods, Many Paths In this special edition of Witches&Pagans, we take an in-depth look at the theology and practice of modern polytheism — one of the fastest...
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Digital-PDF Instant Download! Witches&Pagans #31 - Arts of Magic Dive deep into this special issue on all that is magical, with an emphasis on how spellcasting fits into modern Pagan practice. Featuring: Power to the People: Magic as a...
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Displaying 1 to 10 (of 40 products)