SageWoman #10
Creating Ritual


SageWoman #10 - Creating Ritual

These rituals are rich, varied, and as fresh as when they were first published. Includes: "Creating and Working with Small Groups", articles on solitary ritual, a birthday ritual, an empowerment ritual for reproductive choice (that's more timely than ever!), a ritual for about-to-be parents by Anne Newkirk Niven, an article on making medicine shields, a seasonal ritual for celebrating Lammas and an interview with womanspirit pioneer Nan Hawthorne. PLUS the start of SageWoman's first-ever column, "from Hygiea's Garden" by Becca Harber on the subject of healing herbs. (This one focuses on yarrow.) A best-selling issue ever since 1989 when it was first published. 48 illustrated pages, edited and published by Lunaea Weatherstone, Summer 1989.

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