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Crone Chronicles #28(original) War & Peace
Crone Chronicles #28(original)
War & Peace

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Crone Chronicles #28 War & Peace "Imagine a new way of seeing; imagine into of refracting the world into black and white, we seek the soft underbelly in each of us, our vulnerabilities, dreams and longings." Editor Ann Kreilkamp wants to remind us, urge us, nudge us, nay, compel us to think beyond the dualistic paradigm ... more info

Crone Chronicles #29(original) The Journey
Crone Chronicles #29(original)
The Journey

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The Journey In this wandering, exploring, musing issue of Ann Kreilkamp's "Crone Chronicles" we are led from one Crone's life-story to the next; always searching for the deeper roots of our experience. We begin with the story of Esta Feedora, one of the foremothers of modern feminism in Europe, in Ann's interview ... more info

Crone Chronicles #30(original) Emergence/Emergency
Crone Chronicles #30(original)

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Crone Chronicles #30 - Emergence/Emergency Is aging a process of inevitable decline or the opportunity for a creative burst of transformative energy? Or both? In this issue of Ann Kreilkamp's original "Crone Chronicles", we examine the question of how the process of becoming crone can be a catalyst -- for suffering, redemption, ... more info

Crone Chronicles #31(original) Power & Presence
Crone Chronicles #31(original)
Power & Presence

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Power & Presence This is a very passionate issue, concentrating on how we, as eldering women, can overcome our self-doubt and learne to engage with our own personal power. In a world in which our very presence is downplayed and pushed aside, experiencing our dignity and gravitas is a remarkable and transformative experience. The ... more info

Crone Chronicles #32(original) Female/Male
Crone Chronicles #32(original)

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Female/Male This controversial issue of Ann Kreilkamp's original Crone Chronicles launched a controversy which eventually engulfed the magazine: was there a place in the Crone movement for men? Featuring an editorial by co-publisher (Ann's beloved life partner Jeffrey Joel) as well as numerous submissions by male-gendered contributors, ... more info

Crone Chronicles #33(original) Glorious Void
Crone Chronicles #33(original)
Glorious Void

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Crone Chronicles #33 - The Glorious Void Change, transitions, that-which-we-cannot-control all bring us to a place in which we may feel as if we are falling of into an abyss. Sometimes that feeling grasps an entire nation, or even the world. Editor Ann Kreilkamp reflects, in her editorial for this issue, on one such event: "Every woman I ... more info

Crone Chronicles #34(original) In the Beginning
Crone Chronicles #34(original)
In the Beginning

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In the Beginning This issue of Crone Chronicles explores the concept of creation: how we find the spark to expand, explode, and explore -- by going back to our roots and discovering where we have come from. This creative tension — between the future and the past — pervades the issue, beginning with editor Ann Kreilkamp's examination ... more info

Crone Chronicles #35(original) Ego & Essence
Crone Chronicles #35(original)
Ego & Essence

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Ego & Essence Editor Ann Kreilkamp inquires, dissects, and penetrates the astrological essence of the United States in “Sex, Lies, and Pluto Penetration” while Moss Wiseblood opens the spiral of herself through mask creation in “Council of My Being.” 77-year-old Alta Happ Wertz looks back on a magical midlife journey in ... more info

Crone Chronicles #36(original) Women & Nature
Crone Chronicles #36(original)
Women & Nature

Price: $6.95

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Women & Nature This autumn equinox issue of Ann Kreilkamp’s Crone Chronicles is dedicated to celebrating the connection between older women and the earth itself. Beginning with Ann's editorial discussing the metaphor of Nature as Machine (she's against it!), in this issue Crone authors, artists, poets and readers tangle with ... more info

Crone Chronicles #37(original) Solitude
Crone Chronicles #37(original)

Price: $6.95

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Solitude As we move into our eldering years, we may find ourselves in solitude: either by chance or by choice. If we lose a partner, friends, or loved ones to death, our solitude may appear as a devastating sense of loss and loneliness. But sometimes we find the need to actually seek out solitude; after a lifetime of giving, yielding, ... more info

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